Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy was last updated on June 1, 2020.

1. Our Privacy Policy

By using the site, users/ clients are accepting the practices described and in use of this Policy (“Privacy policy”). This policy (“Privacy policy”) tells users how SegnoTech uses information (“Personal Information”) collected at Please review this Policy (“Privacy policy”) before using the website or submitting any personal data/ information.

2. Information We Collect

Segnotech collects the following information and user explore and submit information to the SegnoTech website:

  1. General information about user use of segnotech website including pages viewed and the resources that users access. Such information includes location data, traffic data, and other communication data.
  2. Information users provide, voluntarily. For example, when users register for information, make an inquiry or a purchase.
  3. Information that users provide when they communicate with SegnoTech.

3. Use of Cookies

SegnoTech may use cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser (Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, Edge,etc.) type and operating system (Android, Windows, Mac, etc.), tracking the number of visitors to the site, and understanding how visitors or/ and users use the site. Cookies can also help customize the site for visitors or/ and users. Information (“Personal Information”) cannot be collected via cookies and other tracking technology, however, if the customer/user previously provided personally identifiable information/ data, cookies may be tied to such information. All cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties.

4. Use of User/Customer Information

Segnotech uses the information that we collect from you/users to provide our services to you/ users.

  1. To provide information to you/user that you/user request from segnotech relating to our products or services.
  2. To inform you/user of any changes to segnotech website, services or goods and products.

Where customer/your consent has been provided in advance segnotech may allow selected third parties to use your/client data to enable them to provide you/client with information regarding unrelated goods and services which segnotech believe may interest you/user. Where such consent has been provided it can be withdrawn by you/client at any time.

5. Storing User Personal Data/Information

Your/client personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorized team members/ employees have access to this information.Segnotech cannot guarantee the security of data/information that you/client chooses to send segnotech electronically, Sending such information is entirely at your/client’s own risk.

6. Disclosing User Information

Segnotech will not disclose your/client Information (“Personal Information”) to any other party other than in accordance with this Policy (“Privacy Policy”) and in the circumstances detailed below:

  1. In the Policy (“Privacy Policy”) that segnotech sells any or all of segnotech business to the buyer/client.
  2. Where segnotech are legally required by law to disclose your/client Information (“Personal Information”).
  3. To further fraud protection and reduce the risk of fraudulent.

Third-Party Links

On occasion segnotech include links to third parties on this website. It’s better be safe and review their Policy (“Privacy policy”) before sending them any personal data/Information.

Access to Information

In accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998 you/client have the right to access any information that segnotech hold relating to you/client. Please note that segnotech reserves the right to charge a fee to cover costs incurred by segnotech in providing you/client with the information.

Contacting Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any matter relating to this Policy (“Privacy Policy”) at support or